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Port Said Governorate

11 KM - Shore protection works in the project to enhance adaptation to climate change in Port Said Governorate

The Enhancing climate change adaptation project (ECCADP) in Port Said starts with the protection zone from the west of the beautiful Boghaz (2) to the west of the village of El-Debeh within a range of 11 km. However, it protects citizens. It also protects investments estimated at about 275 Million pounds, including the Belaim Petroleum Company, the International Company for Pipes and the Pharaonic Petroleum Company. Fish farming project - Al-Diba and Al-Jaraba villages - Tourist facilities - The international coastal road

11 KM - Shore Protection Works

The first type: - It consists of forming an earthen embankment with a width of 20 m and a level of (3.00 +) with dolomite stones covering the side slopes on both sides and covering the surface of the embankment with a layer of 20 cm thick dacshom stones towards the city of New Damietta with a length of 9.200 km. The second type: - It is the formation of an earthen embankment of nature with a width of 14 m and its upper level is 3.00 +) inside it is impermeable soil based on (-1.00) until the level (1.00 +) with sand fenders made of reeds installed in the form of 5 lines in the longitudinal direction on the body The earthen embankment is supported by lines of sand fenders every 24 m in the transverse direction, with a length of 3,600 km.